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About this section…
- As with the parts kits available from M.A.D., the ideas come directly from Mark Hamilton’s many years of workshop experience with automotive electrical service.
- We have included the date when each feature was posted, so that you can more easily find new features–As time permits we will be adding to this tech section.
- We will keep existing features posted as long as possible (so that your friends may also enjoy them), rather than delete and replace them.
- Adequate coverage of some topics will require fairly lengthy features. We have separated the lengthy features into separate parts to reduce the file size.
- We have rated the length of each feature for your convenience–The ratings are “A BRIEF feature”, “A MEDIUM length feature”, and “A Lot to Read Here”
BRIGHTER HEADLIGHTS – The headlights are up front, and the alternator is up front. It’s sensible to install RELAYS up front to send full power to the headlights. Use the existing wiring to turn the RELAYS on. This system also takes a load off the existing dash wiring, so expect better performance in general when driving with the Lights ON. (Posted May 4, 2002), “A Lot to Read Here”
REMOTE VOLTAGE-SENSING – Especially working with factory type wire harness and up-grading the Alternator, this is a must read page. Electrical system performance is by far the best when the Voltage Regulator can read and adjust voltage at the “main power distribution junction,” which is built into the wire harness. (Posted May 4, 2002), “A Lot to Read Here”
ONE-WIRE compared to THREE-WIRE alternators–both have a built-in voltage regulator, but there are important differences. We recommend reading the above REMOTE VOLTAGE-SENSING before reading this feature. (Posted May 4, 2002), “A Lot to Read Here”
CHEVY Main Electrical Power System, from the Muscle Car period For anyone working with '63 thru '71 Chevy, this feature is a must read. Also, this feature contains the "NEW SYSTEM' diagram, which is the best power distribution "main frame" for nearly all cars. (Posted June 8, 2002), "A Lot to Read Here"
10SI & 12SI Alternators, built by Delco Remy This feature contains; Visual Identification, "Clock Positions," AMP ratings, Part numbers and data to help choose the correct alternator, and differences between these models are shown in photos. (Posted June 8, 2002), "A MEDIUM length feature"
BATTERY CHARGING for MAINTENANCE and STORAGE. (Posted May 4, 2002), “A Lot to Read Here”
RECHARGING a LOW BATTERY (with use of a work shop type battery charger), (Posted June 8, 2002), “a Medium length feature”
HOW IT WORKS... Voltage Regulator, Alternator and Battery operation With this feature, author Mark Hamilton offers both the simple explanation, and explains the more technical aspects too. For people who would like to learn about how the system operates, this feature is good reading. (Posted June 8, 2002), "A Lot to Read Here" |
VOLT gauges compared to AMP gauges. (Posted Posted June 8, 2002), “a Medium length feature”
BY-PASSING AND ELIMINATING factory, “full-flow” type AMP gauges, A Dodge pick-up truck was used for the example, (Posted coming soon!), “A Lot to Read Here”
BASIC ALTERNATOR TEST (Do Not disconnect the battery while the engine is running!) (Posted coming soon!), “A BRIEF feature”